
Valhallan 193rd Armoured Regiment

Abkürzung: CODEX

Gegründet: 23.10.2012

Motto: For every one of us who falls, ten more will take his place!

Beschreibung: The Valhallan Ice Warriors are stoic and unwavering when on the defensive, resolutely holding their ground against fearful odds where other troops would consider it a good idea to flee. Enemies have often found that Valhallan defending forces need to be completely destroyed to capture the held ground. Valhallans are trained to fight in dense formations to support their morale. When on the offensive, Valhallans combine massed artillery barrages and heavily armoured tank assaults. Stronghold Command Center IV Training Unit IV (16% Crew exp) Financial Unit IV (8% credits) War Department II (30.000 credits) Tankodrom I (2% exp) Transportation Unit I (1% more loot)

Anzahl Mitglieder: 17

1.331,87 gut
1.305,42 gut
1.694,35 sehr gut
Eckdaten Durchschnittliche Werte Gesamtstatistik
Gefechte 12.545,59 213.275
Siege 56,05% 119.532
Gefechte überlebt 34,18% 72.896
Zerstört pro Gefecht 1,17 249.243
Aufgekl. pro Gefecht 1,41 300.337
Eroberungspunkte p. Gefecht 2,02 430.531
Verteidigungspunkte p. Gefecht 1,1 234.974
Mittl. Schaden 822,36 175.387.774
Mtl. Panzerstufe 4,82 -
Trefferquote 58,00% -
Verhältnis Abschüsse / Tode 1,78 -