All japanese heavies have no side armor up close to the turret but for frontal all i could say is gl doing that
Ive been capable of penetrating this tank in my t-34-85, just dont shoot it frontally if at all possible
the only gun i know that can pen a OI at tier 6 is the kv85 with a 100m gun or 122m
But you'll need a big gun with big penetration, yes?
All japanese heavies have no side armor up close to the turret but for frontal all i could say is gl doing that
Ive been capable of penetrating this tank in my t-34-85, just dont shoot it frontally if at all possible
the only gun i know that can pen a OI at tier 6 is the kv85 with a 100m gun or 122m
But you'll need a big gun with big penetration, yes?